On Flannery O’Connor And The ‘Tackiness’ Of The South

This summer sees the release of two books edited or co-edited by Dr. Monica Miller, Middle Georgia State University assistant professor of English.

The Tacky South, released on June 15 by LSU Press, is a collection of essays Miller co-edited with Dr. Katherine Burnett of Fisk University that examines connections between “tackiness” and the American South. And scheduled for release on July 15 by University of Georgia Press is Dear Regina: Flannery O'Connor's Letters from Iowa, with Miller as editor. O’Connor, an influential writer known for her Southern Gothic style, spent much of her life in Milledgeville living at Andalusia Farm, which today is a museum maintained by Georgia College.  

Miller discusses the origins of these two distinctly Southern-flavored books and what she hopes readers learn from them in her Q&A here.

Dr. Monica Miller holding copies of her two books.