MGA Nursing Alumnus Profiled By St Josephs/Candler: Savannah Hospital

Justin Alonso, BSN, RN, and MGA nursing alumnus, was profiled by St Josephs/Candler: Savannah Hospital. Since graduating from MGA, Alonso has been a nurse at St. Joseph’s Hospital Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit for 15 months, working alongside occupational therapists and physical therapists to care for patients.

"Originally, I was going to school to study business and IT. I was doing some computer and accounting classes. Honestly, I was bored. I knew I couldn’t sit behind a desk all day long. I played soccer throughout my life and in college. I am just someone who has to be on their feet; I’ve got to be actively doing something. And also, I just wanted to make people smile. That was really the biggest thing for me. I knew nursing was a good, stable job, but mainly, it’s just about making people smile." 

Read his profile.

Justin Alonso. Photo: SJ/C