FFA Students Assist with MGA Campus Beautification Projects

Last week, MGA welcomed Georgia Future Farmers of America (FFA) students to our Macon Campus to assist with campus beautification projects and the University's Arbor Day tree planting celebration. Students volunteered on April 26 and 27 from programs around the region, including Effingham County High School's FFA.

"Effingham County Agricultural Education Programs participated in the Living To Serve Community Service Program this morning at Middle Georgia State University! We were happy to put our plant knowledge to good use by planting a variety of bedding plants as well as removing many weeds! We had a great time!" 

Thank you to everyone who helped make our campus greener and to MGA Facilities for hosting!

Group photo of FFA students and faculty after the tree planting celebration.

Facilities giving instructions to FFA students.

David Sims giving the tree planting proclamation.

FFA students planting flowers.

FFA students planting flowers.

FFA students tending to gardens.