Peyton Anderson Foundation Awards $1.2 Million To MGA To Develop Center For Middle Georgia Studies

Middle Georgia State University (MGA) will use a newly announced $1.2 million grant from the Peyton Anderson Foundation to help fund an intellectual and creative center designed to take on some of the region’s most difficult challenges.  

By leveraging the combined power of community assets and University faculty and staff expertise, the Center for Middle Georgia Studies will aim to address issues related to poverty, workforce demands, and healthcare, among other concerns.  

“We are ecstatic and extremely grateful to the Peyton Anderson Foundation for this major support of our vision to create a regional hub that coordinates efforts of multiple partners to improve the wellbeing of citizens and the community at large,” said Christopher Blake, Ph.D., MGA’s president. “The expression ‘game changer’ is sometimes overused, but I think it precisely describes the potential of this undertaking. The center’s services will be unique and unlike anything currently available in the region.” 

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Peyton Anderson and MGA stacked logos.