Fall Student Expo Registration: Eastman Campus

The Eastman Campus Fall Student Expo will take place on Wednesday, August 23, 3-4:30 p.m. This is a great opportunity for MGA entities to engage with new and current students, share information and resources, and/or use this time for membership/volunteer recruitment. Feel free to share this invitation with anyone you think may benefit from having a table at this event.

If you or your organization/office/department would like to attend the Eastman Fall Student Expo, please register by 12 p.m., Monday, August 21: https://forms.office.com/r/7rLYFxEr5V.

Fall student expo registration flyer.

Event Day Set-Up: On the day of the event, participants will enter campus through the Flight Operations Sliding Door (between #2 and #3 on the Eastman Campus map) and set up in the Flight Lobby. The entrance to the Flight Lobby is marked by the accessible entrance logo on the campus map. Participants can pull up to the door to unload supplies if needed, then go park. Participants can access the building by 2 p.m. that day to begin setting up their tables. Student Life respectfully requests that participants plan to stay for the duration of the event.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Christy Faulk at 478.448.4703 or christy.faulk@mga.edu

MGA Eastman Campus map.