Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,
As universities across the nation prepare to return to on-campus instruction this fall, Middle Georgia State University continues to explore options that will enhance safety upon our return. Our plan to commence Fall 2020 semester remains as scheduled on Wednesday, August 12, but after much consideration and with approval from University System of Georgia (USG), the following alterations have been made to the University’s Fall 2020 Academic Calendar:
- The final day of instruction for the term will be Wednesday, November 25 for full session and November 24 for Session II courses. November 23-25 will now be days of instruction.
- Thanksgiving break will take place November 26-November 29. Following the conclusion of the break, students will not return to campus.
- Final exams will be administered online November 30-December 4, and final grades will also be due earlier.
- Some aviation courses are regulated by the FAA and will not allow for an altered calendar.
The adjustments to the Fall calendar will occur at the end of the semester and are intended to minimize student travel. While alterations to the academic calendars are uncommon, these changes are necessary in order to maintain the health and safety of our campus community.
We understand you may have additional questions that result from these changes, and more information will be forthcoming from other areas. The MGA family’s shared value of adaptability has been tested during these last few months, but we continue to meet the challenges head on and stand ready for those ahead as we re-imagine what it means to be a part of a campus community.
Further information on our plans for return will be forthcoming, and I ask you to keep checking email and the website to that effect.
Be Well,