To honor the charge by President Christopher Blake to continually aspire to the values of stewardship, adaptability, engagement and learning during this racially charged time, we present the School of Arts and Letters Collective Action Series . As faculty and staff, we occupy a unique position to foster an atmosphere of equality and inclusivity for our students by leading the charge. To accomplish this goal, we must be brave and ready to have the tough conversation. Please join us as we navigate through our institutional values with a series of events and activities. Each is intended to help begin these challenging, but necessary conversations.

Our first endeavor in this series will address ADAPTABILITY with a book discussion of Ibram X. Kendi’s How to be an Antiracist. Kendi is the founding director of the Antiracist Research and Policy Center at American University. He offers a combination of history, law, and personal accounts of his journey to free himself of racists ideologies. The book’s goal matches our values as we use self-examination and transformation to form a just and equitable society. The book club intends to start the antiracism dialogue, share resources for personal growth, and offer tangible tools to help our faculty, staff and students.
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