Faculty Internationalization Perceptions Survey

As COVID-19 changes our world, we would like to invite you to complete (or re-complete, if you’ve already done it), a Faculty Internationalization Perceptions Survey. The purpose of this survey is to examine your perceptions and beliefs regarding the international campus climate at Middle Georgia State University. We are interested to see how people’s perceptions may have evolved in this historical moment. Click the following link to take you to the survey: http://www.tinyurl.com/mgafips 

This online survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. Participation in this research is voluntary. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to answer 12 questions related to internationalization as well as a few questions about you and your experience. There are no correct answers as we are seeking your opinion. Participation in this study presents no risk to you other than the normal risks of online activities. You will not be compensated for your participation. 

Although the data from this research will be published and presented at conferences, the data will be reported in aggregate form, so that it will not be possible to identify individuals or institutions. Since this survey is anonymous, once the survey is submitted it will not be possible to withdraw your data. We will keep all records private to the extent allowed by law. 

The Principal Investigator for this project is Dr. John Girard. The co-Principal Investigators are Dr. Laura Thomason and Mr. Chris Tsavatewa. Email John Girard at john.girard@mga.edu if you have questions, concerns, or complaints about this study. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a participant in this research study, you may contact the chair of the Middle Georgia State University Institutional Review Board by email at irb@mga.edu.