Dear Faculty & Staff,
Good morning! As the new fall semester approaches and the matriculating Class of 2021 prepares to arrive, we will welcome this academic year with annual Convocation for Faculty & Staff. Convocation is a full day event on the Macon campus with a provided picnic lunch followed by division meetings. Attendance and participation is required for all full-time faculty and staff of the University. Emergency personnel may be exempted, per the determination of the Executive Vice President. Logistics and additional information are provided below.
Monday, August 9th from 9:00 AM to 3:45 PM.
Offices are not open for usual business on Monday to allow faculty and staff to attend this annual event along with division meetings.
Beef Brisket (GF), Baked Chicken (GF), Grilled Portabella Mushroom (GF/V)
House salad tossed with summer picked veggies and a light citrus vinaigrette (GF/V)
Crispy Oven Roasted Potatoes (GF/V), Bacon Mac and Cheese, Roasted Okra (GF/V),
Brownies, Cookies, Banana Pudding and GF Cookies
Tea and Fruit Infused Water
COVID-19 Mitigation:
Transportation: Shuttle Reservation - Click here
For those traveling from other campuses, transportation will be available from the Cochran campus, departing prompting at 8:00 AM. Also, per University policy, mileage cannot be reimbursed since transportation is being provided. Thank you for your understanding and planning accordingly.
Attire for the day is business casual. Please plan for walking between event locations.
A special thank you to the Convocation committee for all your hard work and planning.
Convocation Committee Members:
Jon Coder
Lee Greenway
Jennifer Jones
Cristina Mayer
Millie Parke
Amanda Register
Carey Wimberly
Ember Bishop Bentley
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or a member of the committee. We look forward to celebrating with all of you.
8:00 AM Buses depart from Cochran
9:00 AM Coffee and Conversation (opens at 8:45 AM) Location: Recreation & Wellness Center, Light breakfast and refreshments available upon arrival
9:20 AM Secure Your Seat
9:30 AM Entertainment
9:45 AM Call to Order & Introduction of Convocation - Location: Recreation & Wellness Center
9:50 AM Greetings from the University System of Georgia
9:55 AM President’s Address
10:45 AM Break
11:00 AM Service Awards
11:15 AM Faculty & Staff Awards
11:30 AM Adjournment & Picnic Lunch - Location: Student Life Center
2:00 PM Division Meetings
3:45 PM Buses depart for Cochran - Location: Charles H. Jones Center parking lot