14th Annual Galapagos Islands Trip
July 19-29, 2023
Dr. John Pasto, retired MGA biology instructor, is planning his 14th Galapagos Island Trip for the week of July 19th, 2023. Participants will spend 7 days and nights aboard a tour boat and visit the islands each day. The cost of the trip includes meals and airfare. This trip would be an awesome opportunity for both students and faculty to observe the animals of Darwin's research in their natural habitats! Anyone who would like to help a student with the cost of the trip may donate to the MGA Foundation's Franz Eitel Study Abroad - Galapagos Fund, #489.
For more information, please see the 2023 Galapagos Islands Trip info flyer below, which includes the trip itinerary, trip cost, and a link to the travel agency arranging the trip. Those interested should follow up with Dr. Pasto at pastoj@bellsouth.net.