Coffee and Conversation with Dr. Lisa Bro - March 13

Coffee and Conversation with Dr. Lisa Bro 

Wednesday, March 13 @ 2PM | Macon Campus, Library 

Take a coffee break with Dr. Lisa Wenger Bro as she discusses her new book, Bodies for Profit and Power: Science Fiction and Biopolitics, at the first Coffee and Conversation event of 2024, hosted by the MGA LibraryThe event is free and open to the public

Lisa Wenger Bro, professor of English at MGA, "specializes in speculative fiction of all types—science fiction, fantasy, magical realism, and more." Her latest book, Bodies for Profit and Power: Science Fiction and Biopolitics, "examines the portrayal of dystopian capitalism and the biopolitical in science fiction works from the early 1900s to the present. Find book information.

The cover of Bodies for Profit and Power: Science Fiction and Biopolitics"