Museum of Technology's RetroTech Seminar Schedule

Join MGA's Museum of Technology for "RetroTech" seminars. Explore their collection of vintage personal tech with hands-on demos and expert talks. Open to all ages and interests.

RetroTech will be held on the last Thursday of the month at 12 p.m. in the Museum of Technology (MoT) on the first floor of the Macon Campus library. Reserve a seat by emailing or simply drop by the MoT–they’ll find you a spot!   

Museum of Technology logo.

PDAs (NOT what you’re thinking!) | February 29 @ 12PM 

PDAs, or personal digital assistants, are handheld devices that can perform various functions, such as managing personal information, accessing the internet, and playing games. They were invented in the early 1990s and became popular among professionals, students, and enthusiasts. In this presentation, we will explore the history, development, and impact of PDAs, including iconic examples, such as the PalmPilot, Blackberry, and Casio Cassiopeia. 

Storage Devices | March 28 @ 12PM 

Storage devices are essential for storing and retrieving data for computers and other devices. They have different types, capacities, speeds, and interfaces depending on their functions and applications. In this presentation, we will explore the history, development, and impact of storage devices, from the early mechanical and magnetic devices to the modern optical and solid-state devices. 

Personal Computer Battle Royale | April 25 @ 12PM 

The personal computer, whether Mac or PC, has revolutionized the way we work, create, and connect. Join us as we charge into the epic battle between Macs and PCs. We'll explore their origins, unique features, strengths, and weaknesses. We’ll have the original Mac and IBM-PC booted up and ready for you to decide: Are you a Mac or are you a PC? 

Museum updates are posted on the MoT Facebook page. Contact or call 478.471.2076 for more information.