MGA Historic Preservation Class Research May Boost Payne City’s Possible National Register Bid

Despite living in Macon for more than two decades, Christina Spradlin knew next to nothing about Payne City, a former mill village off Vineville Avenue that dates to the late 19th century.

“I’d heard of it, but I didn’t really know what it was,” said Spradlin, a Middle Georgia State University senior history major originally from East Point. “I thought it was just a neighborhood.”

After a semester’s worth of research with her classmates in the historic preservation class taught by Dr. Susan Asbury, Spradlin now knows a whole lot more. She and other class members presented their research this week to Historic Macon’s Nathan Lott, executive director, and Matt Chalfa, director of preservation field services.

Historic Macon will use the class’s research to help decide whether to launch a long-term effort to get Payne City listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

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Students in the historic preservation class along with Dr. Susan Asbury, their professor, and Historic Macon representatives Nathan Lott and Matt Chalfa.