Knights Table: Food Assistance During the Holidays

The Knights Table, MGA's food pantry, provides updates and reminders about food assistance available to students during the upcoming holiday season.

Knights' Table logo.

Pick up a Turkey Dinner Bag on November 22!

This Thanksgiving, the Knights Table is giving away 15 bagged turkey dinners to students who believe they will need food assistance over the break. The bag services two people. Quantities are limited so they are first come first serve. You can pick up these dinners from the Knights Table on Friday, November 22. Pick up on the Macon Campus will be in the Student Life Center in room 282 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pick up on the Cochran Campus will be in Welch Hall from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Pick up a holiday food bag on December 19!

If you believe you will need food assistance over the winter break, you can make a holiday food bag request and it will be available for pick up on December 19 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on the Macon Campus and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the Cochran Campus.

All holiday food bag requests should be made by Wednesday, December 4. To indicate that you would like a food bag over the winter break please choose holiday food bag when completing the food pantry request form. To make a holiday food bag request, complete the form:

Did you know that you can still get food assistance over the Thanksgiving and winter breaks?

During the Thanksgiving and winter breaks, the Knights’ Table food pantry will be open. Please see hours of operation below. Feel free to make appointments by emailing or calling 478.757.2264. Standard food bag requests will still be available during this time. Knights Table will be closed for the winter break, December 12–January 1.

Knights Table Holiday Season Hours of Operation


Remember everyone deserves a seat at our table!