State of the University 2025: Growing Enrollment, Engaging Students, Elevating Athletics

Middle Georgia State University’s enrollment continues to grow, students are engaging in campus activities more than ever, and the athletics program is rapidly moving toward NCAA Division II status. 

Those are among the highlights that Dr. Christopher Blake, Middle Georgia State’s (MGA’s) president, shared at his annual State of the University address, held on January 27 in the Math Auditorium on the Macon Campus. 

“Our institution is the strongest it has ever been,” Blake said. “However, we need to maintain the right mindset and continue to embrace our value of ‘adaptability’ to navigate any challenges that we may encounter. Together, we can meet the challenges head on, grow as an institution, and continue to have a bright future.”

Read a recap of the 2025 State of the University address.

MGA President Christopher Blake gives his 2025 State of the University address.