Man and woman shake hands at MGA's Fall 2023 Career Fair.

All Industry Career Fair - October 9

Soccer ball resting on a field.

MGA Alumni & Friends Night @ Atlanta United - October 5

Nancy Guyse and Teri Miller holding the Distinguished Credentialing Success award at the CoARC Awards Ceremony and Reception in Snowbird, Utah.

MGA Respiratory Therapy Program Earns Credentialing Success Award

Recent Posts

Finding Greatness: Beth Kennedy

The Alice Experience - September 26

Student Success Festival - October 1 & 2

#KnightsGive Campaign is Now LIVE!

Celebrate Korean & K-Pop! - October 7

Hacker Halted Conference - October 30-31

VOIP Phone Switch, Macon - September 25


DEADLINE: The deadline for items to appear in the weekly InsideMGA summary is 3 p.m. on Monday.

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